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Cinnamon Ginger Tea

October 16, 2022
Katla Fish (Asian Carp) Fry
October 9, 2022

Cinnamon Ginger Tea

Cinnamon ginger milk tea is a delicious and refreshing beverage that can be enjoyed any time of day. Made with fresh ginger, milk, and Ceylon cinnamon, this tea is perfect for those who enjoy the warm, spicy flavor of ginger.


Evening Snacks


  • Liquid milk 3 cups
  • 1 inch crushed ginger
  • 1 little piece of cinnamon
  • Tea leaves
  • Amulspray - powder milk (its optional)


Saucepan, Big cup to swallow the milk, Table Spoon, Strainer


Step 1

Take milk into saucepan, After the milk is slightly heated, take 3/1 milk in a cup, put amul spray in it and mix well

Step 2

Put crushed ginger in milk

Step 3

Tea leaves should be added when the milk boils well, boil until color comes out of the tea leaves, add cinnamon, boil again

Step 4

Tea is ready when the layer in the tea wears off